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Another Rant From my Myspace.

Started by Laughingboy69, October 08, 2006, 04:14:11 PM

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Taken from my Myspace. If y'all wants to read it, go find it. I posted a link on the forums.

"Take me on! I'll be gone! In a day or two..."

So I haven't updated in months.

That was all I was going to write for a moment there.

I've been spotted in a magazine. It's called "The Double Reed" and if you play Oboe, Bassoon, or English Horn and take it seriously, then maybe you have heard of it. For those reading this blog who know what the hell I'm talking about, Its Vol. 29 and it's on page 18, in an article called "A Day in the Oboe Studio of Joseph Robinson, April 15, 2006, Duke University" written by Shelly Rusincovitch.

And I'm being a total **** about it.

Do I have a problem with being in a magazine? No. No, I'm actually proud of this, really I am. With all of the other...tens of students who went there, apparently I was classy enough in my Double Neckchain, T-Shirt with Overshirt and Ripped "Distressed" Jeans to be shown to the rest of the International Double Reed Society Subscribers. Yeah, all 3 of them.

JK, y'all. I'm joking.

What's my problem? Get what she wrote:

    "Nine oboists and an English horn player performed in the mid-afternoon orchestral excerpts master class. Many musicians had traveled from as far away as New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia for the opportunity to learn from Mr. Robinson, whose expertise as both a performer and a teacher was evident as he helped the young oboists to analyze the interpretive elements and discussed the context of each excerpt."

OK, now I heard the rest of those players, and after awhile, I can start to get as cocky and as bull-shitty (cause I don't know if that's a word) to say that I can NOT be grouped up with the rest of those players, even after listening to them. Hell, the English horn student's name is written in ****ing BOLD, and what treatment do I get? My PICTURE is SOLE representation of these 7 other oboe players, and how does she perceive me? Like that? She might as well call me a whippersnapper, and applaud me for my Tom-Foolery during the Master Class. My name isn't even in the ARTICLE! It's in SUBTEXT!

Don't get me wrong, The other players (Ex-Students) were great. Youn Joo Lee was probably the best I heard with her International Award Winning credentials (I'll touch base with this later.) and Joe Robinson is definitely worthy of all of the praise he gets, but when people surround you more than anyone else after you have performed, I think you are allowed 1 hour of "dickery." Meaning, I can be a total bastard about it for the allotted time for all of the shit I went through, and all of the people who crowded around me after I got off stage during intermission.

"So what? As long as you had you're picture taken for a magazine, and hell, they managed to spell your last name right! What are you complaining about?" Is what I'm sure you're asking. Let's explain this further...My picture is the representation of said written paragraph. I'm the gang leader of all of these other students who weren't as good as I was, just because my picture was taken. To all of the other readers who weren't there, and didn't realize how I was playing, I have just turned into another piece of crap sitting in the toilet of a public bathroom that nobody cares about, right along with those other students. In that case, I should never have shown up in the magazine at all.

Am I mad at anyone? No. I can't say that this is anybody's fault other than my own for not taking this in a positive manner. It's not Shelley's fault for writing what she wrote, and I can't force her to change it. I can't blame the photographer for putting my picture in there, cause at least I AM out there, whether any good comes out of it or not. Honestly, my only beef with the picture itself is that I'm sad it didn't print in color, so I could show off how different I was compared to all of the other well dressed citizens that showed up.

Cause I'll be damned if I'm going to show up looking like everyone else, right? Why not be drastically different? As long as you can play well, who cares what you're wearing.

So I'll wear my Boondocks shirt next time.

~I wuv you~
I do Let's Plays now.