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MPLS hearts the Brule

Started by CRZ, May 19, 2010, 09:00:43 PM

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Hi Bumpworthy!  Long time fan, first time poster - because I'm a first time BUMPEE!

Or, rather, my wife is.  She's in the picture I took and posted, which became this bump:

You have it labeled "MN hearts the Brule" but as the title is "MINNEAPOLIS hearts the Brule" may I suggest a rename to "MPLS hearts the Brule?"

FYI, this is the same wall that was painted in THIS bump from a few weeks ago:

I have been told that as of Monday, other pilgrims to see Dr. Brule were disappointed to see that he was already in the process of being painted over.  :(

At least three [as] different murals have been on this wall and I've seen two of them in bumps on the air.  (The "Go Find This" graph was the other.)

That's all the background I think I can give you....which is surely more than you care to know, but this may never happen again, so I better take advantage while I can!  :)


Wow, that's really awesome! First of all welcome to the boards and congratulations on getting bumped! The only reason I had tagged the bump as "MN" was that I didn't think the bump name would fit on a single line if I named it Minneapolis (got proved wrong there :lol:). I thought "well, Minneapolis is in Minnessota, this should work" :-P. Sad that Brule has been painted over! It was a really cool mural. However, it's really cool that's an [as] mural spot at the moment! Again, congratulations to you and your wife on getting bumped!
"For a moment, I lost my head. I was just a selfish, confused torso." - Bob Oblong