[bump worthy]

BumpWorthy => Missing Items & Requests => Topic started by: roninrokuro on November 27, 2010, 03:45:16 AM

Title: Bump: top 5 shows
Post by: roninrokuro on November 27, 2010, 03:45:16 AM
So I was just watching adult swim and they had this bump where they showed their top 5 most viewed shows. I remember family guy was in the top 5 - other than that I forget. The music was kinda jazzy, kinda electronic. Tried searching it for through and google and through the bumps, but couldn't find it. If anyone knows what bump I'm talking about it would be great if you could tell me (or help me find) the name of the song in the bump.
Title: Re: Bump: top 5 shows
Post by: blackliquid009 on November 27, 2010, 01:53:30 PM
Was it a bump like this? http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/100
Title: Re: Bump: top 5 shows
Post by: roninrokuro on November 27, 2010, 07:11:40 PM
oh wow - thats it. thanks  :-D
Title: Re: Bump: top 5 shows
Post by: blackliquid009 on November 27, 2010, 10:39:11 PM
Yep, no problem :-).