Hey guys, new here but I think I found the song to one of the older KOTH bumps. Its just a clip within the whole song. Meaning you have to listen to the full song to hear the part they play in the bump. Anyway, here ya go:
Album: American Guitar (BRD:48)
Song: While You Were Sleeping (Full Version: 2:48)
Available From: APM Music
Can we please try to do some digging to find the rest of them?? They are really good! And if I'm wrong about the song, sorry in advance, it just sounds exactly like it to me. See what you guys think and help me find the rest? :lol:
I was hoping you had found one of the cowboy themed KotH bumps... there is one Koth bump with this song but it wasn't actually missing. My favorite is the car covered in stickers :)
If you know of one that isn't properly labeled please let us know and we'll take care of it. It happens more than I care to admit. :roll: