NUMY'S EDIT: We're consolidating some info on PROMO's - Feel free to post your requests/finds here :)
I have no idea what this song is. It plays during the promo for the Bleach Marathon. It starts with a character narrating and some light chiptune sort of stuff playing in the beginning, and then a breakbeat fades in underneath it. Any help is appreciated.
You mean the music for the Bleach promo, since the marathon is the 30th. I personally haven't seen the promo, but using the description you give it sounds a lot like the music for the normal promo, where Ichigo starts narrating his story, and that song would be "5:30 PM" by The Enemy, one of the DJs of Evol Intent (according to a post on their myspace blog when the Bleach promo premiered). Here's a link to the normal promo for reference:
that's it, exactly. Thank you so much.
You're welcome, glad to help!!
you guys know that HOTHOT HOTHOT *jsjbsjsb sgibberish* HOT HOTHOT HOT bump
maybe its just an adult swim commercial
but i figured youd know
but i know when you guys will return this
You can find it at
Go to Downloads
Look in Adult Swim General
Keep going down until you find Hot Dance Promo B&W.
Don't say I don't do anything around here. :P
Quote from: Laughingboy69 on July 12, 2007, 11:33:49 AM
Don't say I don't do anything around here. :P
says you don't do anything around here :roll: :lol:
Explosivo_420 - It's not quite halfway down on that page :wink:
LB, with those awesome bumps alone, you're quite ahead in the "doing things" department :lol: Would be awesome to know the song on that ad too, it's hilarious. Big ups to the guys at for capping all those amazing ads!
I actually registered because this song is driving me nuts! :roll: I thought maybe someone here could explain it.
What language is it? I keep thinking some of the pronunciation of the words sounds familiar (I grew up understanding Hungarian & some Czekh) but I can't make out any of them.
The subtitles are a riot, of course, but the synch of the music + vid is also fantastic, BTW - is that the original clip or was it just put together by the bump's creators?
Quote from: falconress on July 17, 2007, 02:42:12 PM
I actually registered because this song is driving me nuts! :roll: I thought maybe someone here could explain it.
What language is it? I keep thinking some of the pronunciation of the words sounds familiar (I grew up understanding Hungarian & some Czekh) but I can't make out any of them.
The subtitles are a riot, of course, but the synch of the music + vid is also fantastic, BTW - is that the original clip or was it just put together by the bump's creators?
Crud - I thought perhaps it
was Hungarian :P The video is edited from something in the Prelinger Archives called "Variety Girls" - filed under 'strippers' :D The music was added by [as]
This isn't a bump, but I thought that some people might be interested in the track "Philosophie" (From APM's Lounge Cafe 2). It was used in an early 2006 promo for Adult Swim Action. I'm glad to have come across it. It's a great groove. You can view the promo by going to ASFDOTCOM. It's under "Adult Swim General". I'd say it's about half way down the list. It's entitled "Adult Swim Action Promo Early 2006" (Anime's Last Chance). The Track is composed by Ploquin, Fabrice Remy, Soullier, and Jean-paul. The Mod's at BW may already know this info. I just didn't want the track to get overlooked.
-Ryan D.
That "anime's last chance?" description was outdated anyway.
Updated and thanks.
Snap, thanks man!! I love that tune! By the way, Beefy, I got the Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! Season 1 DVD and the Date Night Suck Down commercials, albeit in XViD, but just in case.
Quote from: Ryan D. on April 28, 2008, 05:39:27 PM
This isn't a bump, but I thought that some people might be interested in the track "Philosophie" (From APM's Lounge Cafe 2). It was used in an early 2006 promo for Adult Swim Action. I'm glad to have come across it. It's a great groove. You can view the promo by going to ASFDOTCOM. It's under "Adult Swim General". I'd say it's about half way down the list. It's entitled "Adult Swim Action Promo Early 2006" (Anime's Last Chance). The Track is composed by Ploquin, Fabrice Remy, Soullier, and Jean-paul. The Mod's at BW may already know this info. I just didn't want the track to get overlooked.
-Ryan D.
If I may clarify :wink: the composers are Fabrice Remy Ploquin and Jean-Paul Soullier - that's just two people :-D
And Beefy - I haven't had the time to check your stash lately but if you want library info I think I have a few more.
Here ya' go :| I have a few more songs but I'm having trouble finding their promos...
ROBOT CHICKEN - Pleasure Promo "Des Bisou" by Jean Soullier & Fabrice Ploquin , APM 'Cheesy Listening'
GENERAL - December 2005 promo "Magyar Be-pop" by Mihaly Dudas Dresch
TV For You To Watch Promo & Hour of Power Hour Promo - "Speed" Heavy Metal CD
Ladies of Adult Swim Action "Doot da Doot" by the Unlovables (Not library, but I thought you already had that one)
Happy Couple Lineup, Makeout Lineup, Anime Dreams - "Bikini Girl" APM, 'Kitsch - Light & Easy/Cheesy' (instrumental, vocals added by [as])
July 2006 Promo - "Golden Moments" - APM, 'Kitsch - Light & Easy/Cheesy'
FUTURAMA - Final Marathon Promo VII (and any other 'Shaken not Stirred' promos) "Chic" by Jean Soullier & Fabrice Ploquin, APM 'Cheesy Listening' (instrumental, vocals added by [as])
EUREKA 7 - First Promo - "Krakatoa" - CHAOS CD
EVA - Premeire Promo"Molecularis" - CHAOS CD
First Promo - "Last Jungle" by Chris Winland, APM, 'Foody Music'
GHOST IN THE SHELL - Season 2 promo "Cause and Effect" CHAOS CD (I know the other three as well, but I have to sort them out later - gotta get to the grocery store :P )
Here's a few action tunes that I noticed were not listed at ASFDOTCOM.NET. NM, you just posted a bunch of these, so I'm going to remove those ones.
I know without a doubt that the Neon Genesis "Puzzle Promo" is a track from APM. I'm sorry that's all I can remember. I'll do some digging there.
The Samurai Champloo First Promo and Short were not listed. It's Psyche Origami, everyone knows that, I'm sure. It's available at ADULTSWIM.COM in the downloads, I think.
1. FullMetal Alchemist (Season 2 Promo)
T: Hands Up
A: Secondary Instrumentals
Artist: Wildchild
2. Inuyasha (Season 5 premiere, the second)
T: Bushka
A: XCD033 Trip Hop
C: Roachman
A: Extrememusic
3. Paranoia Agent (First Promo)
T: Coma Zone
A: XTW006 Chaos
C: Will Johnstone
A: Extrememusic
I have a few more that I'll look into that I noticed were not listed at ASFDOTCOM.NET.
Maybe the BW Mods should make a folder for "A.S. Promo Music Info". All of the posts that have to do with finding Promo Music could be moved there. I'm not suggesting that BW should start adding promo video to the website, I just think that there is a strong interest in the music used in the Promos. This place seems to be buddies with ASFDOTCOM. We might as well have a folder for this stuff.
-Ryan D.
No, that's a good idea.... I'm trying to think how best to do it with our limited manipulation abilities. :|
You'll have to forgive me because I'm terrible with acronyms and abbreviations.
I assume the letters are for:
T: title
A: artist
C: composer
A: album / available from
Quote from: Beefy on April 29, 2008, 09:54:55 PM
You'll have to forgive me because I'm terrible with acronyms and abbreviations.
I assume the letters are for:
T: title
A: artist ALBUM
C: composer
A: album / available from
Ok. I think I got all those updated.
Now somebody find the song for the Adult Swim Saturday Lineup promo where Knives keeps snapping his fingers.
Quote from: Beefy on May 03, 2008, 08:37:31 PM
Ok. I think I got all those updated.
Now somebody find the song for the Adult Swim Saturday Lineup promo where Knives keeps snapping his fingers.
Shake It! by blackcowboy?
Hi fellas. I'm a noob here but I'm dying to know if someone is going to upload a bump that I saw during the Saturday anime segment. It was a bump that was advertising some "make your own t-shirt" contest and it had this music playing uninterupted without words for about 30 seconds: (go to the "downloads" section on the side bar and all the way down at the bottom of that page click "Game Reviews" and from there click the "Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast" one which is around the center of that page.
There is one bump currently uploaded on this site that is a t-shirt promotion one too, but that one isn't the one I'm taking about. If someone could please upload it to the site, it would be much appreciated since it's an awesome tune and I'm sure many on here will also enjoy it. Thanks! :-)
I made a slight adjustment to your post :-D I was lost there for a bit. (You can get to TDA through, it was just an extra step you skipped to click on TDA) Anyway, I'm working on it, unfortunately I don't have an answer for you yet. I don't know if Beefy plans to put it up on ( but promos are really their department. In the meantime, I have a YouTube link to hold us over.
Thank you for pointing out the Toonami game review vid, that really helps narrow down the search :mrgreen:
Quote from: NumyMufn on May 22, 2008, 11:39:38 AM
I made a slight adjustment to your post :-D I was lost there for a bit. (You can get to TDA through, it was just an extra step you skipped to click on TDA) Anyway, I'm working on it, unfortunately I don't have an answer for you yet. I don't know if Beefy plans to put it up on ( but promos are really their department. In the meantime, I have a YouTube link to hold us over.
Thank you for pointing out the Toonami game review vid, that really helps narrow down the search :mrgreen:
:-o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oooooooooo, Thank you so much for helping me find this song! Ever since I used to hear this song from back in the day when it used to be on Toonami I always wished I could find it for download someplace. I never had any luck until you came along, that is. Thanks sooooo much. :-D You absolutely rule!
Here's one for Beefy. The info for the Neon Genesis Evangelion "Puzzle Promo" is...
Track: Sci Fidelity
Album: Weirdsville
Composer: Baldry, Colin; Kane, Tom
It took me a month to find it again, but there it is.
The Track "Swung Together", off of Weirdsville at APM, I know that I heard it in a "Frisky Dingo" or "Venture Bros." promo. Check it out.
-Ryan D.
I was right about "Swung Together", from APM'S "Weirdsville" album. The track is used in the "Fifth Promo" for Frisky Dingo, as listed at ASFDOT.
-Ryan D.
Another track that isn't listed at ASF is "Circuit City", by Will Jonhstone, from Extreme's famous "Chaos" album. It goes to the "Metropolis Promo" under the category "Adult Swim Specials". It says at ASF that a summary is "coming soon" for this promo. Just in case the track isn't known, it's here now.
Anything is better than "summary coming soon" for a description.
Now what/where is APM? (Yes, I do live under a rock.)
Stock APM instructions:
**APM tracks are not available to the public for purchase or download but you are free to listen to them at their site.
Go to and click on 'Guest music search' - the Advanced Search is to the lower left, after entering the Track or CD title be sure to check the corresponding box before hitting the search button.
The Family Guy Promo with Seth M., listed at as "2007 Super Bowl Sunday Promo", is the same bump music used in the "Assy McGee Thanksgiving" Bump.
Artist: Teddy Lasry
Album: Jazz Club
Title: Midnight Blues
It's a production track. So, we all know what that means. The usual **Hail Marry, Mother of Grace. We may listen to this track in its entirety, the Lord is with you, but not download or purchase anything from their site, Amen.
I'm hot on the trail of a couple other Family guy promo tracks that are used over and over again. But for now it is the Fourth of July and I have things to light on fire.
Quote from: Ryan D. on July 03, 2008, 10:03:09 PM
**Hail Marry, Mother of Grace. We may listen to this track in its entirety, the Lord is with you, but not download or purchase anything from their site, Amen.
:-D :-D :-D
This should be our motto on the front page
A ridiculous 12oz. promo from awhile back, listed as "12oz. Mouse Marathon Promo 2" at, is...
Artist: Herbert, Victor
Title: Bottoms Up
Album: Cocktail Lounge
Available: Extrememusic**
**Production site. No downloading or purchasing. You may only listen.
Here's a few more that aren't listed at yet.
1. Aqua Teen Hunger Force...
ASF title: Dr. Carl
Artist: Mondstein/Part
Title: Ginger Snap
Album: Singing Easy
Available: Extrememusic**
2. Brak Show
ASF title: Adult Swim Puppet Show Party 2
This music is the same as the "12oz. Mouse Movie Marthon Promo 2" that I listed above.
3.The Boondocks
ASF titles: the "Uncle Ruckus", "Power of Cheese", and "Guns" promos are all the same track. It's also the same music used for the classic "AS Subway Bump".
Artist: Glynn, Dominic
Title: Easy Street
Album: Future Jazz (BRS 24)
Available: Apmmusic**
4. The Boondocks
ASF title: Season 2 Promo 1
This music is the same as the "Assy Mc Gee Thanksgiving" bump and also Seth's "Super Bowl Sunday, 2007" thing. I recently listed the info for this above too.
5. Harvey B.
ASF title: Toilet Humor Fan DVD Promo
Artist: Jo Part
T: Pink Flamingo
Album: Latino Beano
Available: Extrememusic**
6. Harvey B.
ASF titles: the "Horny Hippo Promo", "Hippo Promo", "Phil Promo", "Bird Girl Promo", "Phil Promo 3" and "2006 Promo 3" are all the same track.
Artist: Gerhard Golzo
Title: Silk ?N? Vice
Album: Cocktail Lounge
Available: Extrememusic
7. Sealab 2021
ASF title: Crazy Language Promo
Artist: Antonio Carlos Jobim (The father of Bossa Nova) and Elis Regina (Jobim's first lady of song)
Title: Aguas de Marco (Waters of March)
Album: Elis & Tom (1974)
I had to modify my message about the recent Boondock's promo. The track used is not "Jelly Roll" from Extreme. It's "Black Dust" from the album "Slick" in the twisted series over at Extrememusic. This music is used in the "2008 Nov. Rerun promo" as listed over at ASFDOTCOM.
I could have sworn that promo aired before. Not sure why I never uploaded it.
Thanks for the music info.
I received a request for information on music used in a promo.
It's the one with Knives snapping his fingers. I thought it was answered on this board somewhere before.
QuoteI have no idea if you would know this, but I thought there was no harm in asking. Would you happen to know the name of the song in the Saturday Lineup promo video with the subtext "Snap your fingers, stomp your feet, shoot your guns, shock your d00ds". Its a minute long video. I have been looking for it everywhere!! And if you do know it, do you know where I could downoad it?
*ahem* yeah... not deleting my previous reply but it's pretty darn embarrassing now, sooo.... shrinkin' it. Still "Shake It!" - found at Killer Tracks.
I haven't done any checking recently, but it was officially known as "Shake It!" by blackcowboy. It was commissioned for a Sealab episode ("Quinn's Awakening" I think) where it picked up the the nickname "The Uh-oh Song", and fan-made loop from the promo is labeled shake_it_gurl . I was able to track down blackcowboy at one point and they had two CDs for sale, the titles escape me at the moment, but it's not on either of them. At whatever point it turned up in a Taco Bell ad we assumed it had landed in a production library as yet unknown, and if that's true they could easily have renamed it. :|
The promo music used in the September 2007 Promo Milk: "It's what's for dinner.", listed under A.S. General at ASFDOTCOM, is...
Track: Pillow Walk
Composer: Brian De Mercia
Album: Kidz Stuff
Available: Extreme Music
Filed under the X-Series
The current anime promo [ACTN December 2008 Promo] is "Roshambo" by Bayside from the album 'Shudder'
Under A.S. General, July 2009 Promo II
Track: "Tonight at the Sands"
Composer: Jack Arel / Jean-Claude Petit
Album: Archive - Las Vegas
At ASF, under "Adult Swim General", the "March 2007 Promo", with the nerd from Robot Chicken, the music info is...
Artist: Heinz Kiessling
Track: My Wonderful Love
Album: Between Day and Dream
Available: ? Unfortunately, this is all that I can find about it for now...
I know that this is the right track because I heard it on my easy listening satellite radio today. Mods will notice our good library friend Werner Tautz. I guess he composed this.
Quote from: Ryan D. on August 27, 2009, 08:43:12 PM
At ASF, under "Adult Swim General", the "March 2007 Promo", with the nerd from Robot Chicken, the music info is...
Artist: Heinz Kiessling
Track: My Wonderful Love
Album: Between Day and Dream
Available: ? Unfortunately, this is all that I can find about it for now...
I know that this is the right track because I heard it on my easy listening satellite radio today. Mods will notice our good library friend Werner Tautz. I guess he composed this.
Just on a hunch I searched Werner Tautz in some of our standard libraries and found this song at Extreme, - it's in the X-Series on the album 'Festive Chestnuts' with the song title as "Sweetheart Serenade" - the GEMA website confirms it as an alternate title.
It looks as though the album 'Between Day and Dream' was commercially released at some point from Bliss Records - here's an interesting link ( ;) I love how it's called 'Test Card' music. Does anyone ever show the test card anymore?
Bleach Fifth Promo - The bulk of it is the library track "Boom Addict" from Extreme on the album 'Bassline' under X-series
The end clip for the movie is "Senna" from the soundtrack of the Bleach Movie "Memories of Nobody"
The Bleach Movie promo is "Cairo Stylo" - also from Extreme.
I'm going to start calling y'all the Music Hounds, since you're so good at tracking down songs.
Season 4 Encore Promo (Venture Bros.) ....
The info-ado is..
Track: Honolulu Honey
Album: Cocktail Lounge
Location: Extreme Music Library, under the "Easy Listening" category.
I tweaked your post there, sweetie, you had "Twisted" on the brain :lol:
okay, okay, I'm turkeying I'm turkeying!!!
No one's clamoring for this but I stumbled across it so here y'go:
The Office Christmas Special promo
"The First Noel" from the album
'Holiday (HITS001)' at Killer Tracks
I got a request to find the song in the Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex First Promo and the song in the Adult Swim Christmas 2009 Promo IV.
Happy hunting.
If you mean this ( one, then I already posted it in the comments section.
If you mean this ( one, that's obviously Inner Universe by Origa.
If you mean this ( one, then iono.
And if you're talking about this ( (which I think you are - and I couldn't find on youtube :\), then iono either. :P
Bah, I didn't steal nothin'. Well, you know which one I meant. The one with Winston Churchill's quote. (You can copy the link and post it in a new tab manually).
Quote from: terrorist96 on February 13, 2010, 11:41:05 PM
If you mean this ( one, then I already posted it in the comments section.
If you mean this ( one, that's obviously Inner Universe by Origa.
If you mean this ( one, then iono.
And if you're talking about this ( (which I think you are - and I couldn't find on youtube :\), then iono either. :P
Bah, I didn't steal nothin'. Well, you know which one I meant. The one with Winston Churchill's quote. (You can copy the link and post it in a new tab manually).
The one listed as 'First Promo' is "Spirit Fingers" by Four Tet from the album 'Rounds' (
The 'Second Promo' is "Khyber Pass" from Killer Tracks... there are two tracks there that use that title, it's the one from the 'World Beat 1' album (NYBNYG71) - and of course Killer Tracks is a production library so it's for listening only unless you are a licensed production company.
About that xmas song, sounds like it's some version of (deleted)... still looking
sorry, mentioning that title has it stuck in my head and it wasn't useful at all :P
Thanks Numy.
Yes, I was referring to the Winston Churchill quote promo.
Wow, better late than never? I'm amazed at the requests I got for the Adult Swim Enterprises ( - it's "Cable Car" from APM
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 15, 2010, 02:36:40 AM
Wow, better late than never? I'm amazed at the requests I got for the Adult Swim Enterprises ( - it's "Cable Car" from APM
I can't finds it on their site. :-(
I've never had much luck searching their site without using the advanced search - Here's the album info:
Kitsch - Light & Easy / Cheesy (CAR 290)
there are actually a number of older promo tracks on this CD. I just ran through it again as I was trying to remember what 'Movie Break' sounded like (from an old Robot Chicken promo.) I didn't think to look there for the Enterprises promo because the sound of that track doesn't really blend with the others that I know from there. (Teach the World to Love, Swinging Sixties, Movie Break, Golden Moments etc.) Something to look out for when browsing this one is that sometimes different versions of the same song have COMPLETELY different titles - like "Tinsel Town" is an instrumental version of "Teach the World to Love" and if I remember correctly they used both in that set of Mater Shake in the park promos.
...and if someone can tell me if I recognize "Velvet Curtains" from a promo/bump or if it's just from running through this CD before :roll: that'd be awesome.
Oh, and if anyone is having trouble navigating the site since the redesign that makes our stock directions obsolete :x you need to click on 'Launch my APM Music' button in the upper right corner to get in the browsing section.
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 19, 2010, 10:59:21 AM
I've never had much luck searching their site without using the advanced search - Here's the album info:
Kitsch - Light & Easy / Cheesy (CAR 290)
Found it. Thanks.
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 19, 2010, 10:59:21 AM
...and if someone can tell me if I recognize "Velvet Curtains" from a promo/bump or if it's just from running through this CD before :roll: that'd be awesome.
Nothing pops into my head, but it sounds familiar.
No.1special: I moved your post here:
Secondly, in the area of 'not really a promo, not really a bump' - will ASF be uploading the crazy 'Merry Christmas' spots featuring the horribly wonderful (or is that 'wonderfully horrible?') version of "O Holy Night" as sung by Steve Mauldin ( Or should we get on that here? I've had a request at the ASMB for them.
Quote from: Beefy on December 24, 2010, 07:08:30 PMQuote from: NumyMufn on December 19, 2010, 10:59:21 AM
...and if someone can tell me if I recognize "Velvet Curtains" from a promo/bump or if it's just from running through this CD before :roll: that'd be awesome.
Nothing pops into my head, but it sounds familiar.
Thanks, I feel slightly less crazy :lol:
Oh, I almost forgot - in the department of 'random AS' I found the source film of the woman running out of her house on 'fire' in the Prelinger Archives. The film is "More Dangerous than Dynamite" ( @ 7:50. It's one of those films where you don't know if you should laugh or cry... but that's another story.
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 27, 2010, 11:07:08 AM
Secondly, in the area of 'not really a promo, not really a bump' - will ASF be uploading the crazy 'Merry Christmas' spots featuring the horribly wonderful (or is that 'wonderfully horrible?') version of "O Holy Night" as sung by Steve Mauldin ( Or should we get on that here? I've had a request at the ASMB for them.
Those will be on ASF. Hopefully this week, but I make no promises.
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 27, 2010, 11:07:08 AM
Oh, I almost forgot - in the department of 'random AS' I found the source film of the woman running out of her house on 'fire' in the Prelinger Archives. The film is "More Dangerous than Dynamite" ( @ 7:50. It's one of those films where you don't know if you should laugh or cry... but that's another story.
I told to myself "I am not going to download that". And a few seconds later I was absolutely all over it :lol:. Awesome find, thanks! This doesn't have anything to do with [as] but the soundtrack is just sheer badass! Shake Hands with Danger (
Quote from: Beefy on December 27, 2010, 11:58:02 AM
Quote from: NumyMufn on December 27, 2010, 11:07:08 AM
Secondly, in the area of 'not really a promo, not really a bump' - will ASF be uploading the crazy 'Merry Christmas' spots featuring the horribly wonderful (or is that 'wonderfully horrible?') version of "O Holy Night" as sung by Steve Mauldin ( Or should we get on that here? I've had a request at the ASMB for them.
Those will be on ASF. Hopefully this week, but I make no promises.
Many thanks, kind sir!
Mmm, promos.
Encoded the Durarara!! ("Series Premiere / Next Saturday 12:30") promo ( for those who want it.
Anyone know what the music's from?
Whoa, 449! Lot of respect for you dude, seen your encoding work a lot of times and I really appreciate it. Really nice to have you here! :-D Regarding the song; I sadly don't have any info at the moment but it sounds like it's pretty certainly a library piece. I might be wrong, though... Numy's the music expert around here :-P. Again, nice to have you in the forums!
Quote from: mongo on June 19, 2011, 04:10:51 PM
Whoa, 449! Lot of respect for you dude, seen your encoding work a lot of times and I really appreciate it. Really nice to have you here! :-D
Aw, shucks. ^_^;
Also didn't realize that there was another promo for the show until I saw it on ASF, but here ('s my version of it.
Quote from: nhjm449 on June 19, 2011, 04:23:09 AM
Mmm, promos.
Encoded the Durarara!! ("Series Premiere / Next Saturday 12:30") promo ( for those who want it.
Anyone know what the music's from?
Sorry, no luck on this one yet. It is most likely library, but I can't rule out soundtrack just yet. I did have someone post they had heard it elsewhere which supports the library theory but it's just not the genre we're used to searching.
HOWEVER, if anyone is looking for the blue promo with jellyfish about Venture Bros. Summer Hours it's from Extreme
Title: Crowning Glory
Artist: Keith Kenniff
Album: Post Rock
Available for listening from the artist under the title "Revelry" at SoundCloud
Also on the Post Rock album is a track called "Awe and Order" that I recognize but can't place at the moment. :|
Note to self before I forget :roll:I ran across a track about a month ago... I think it was also from one of those Venture Bros. schedule bumps earlier in May, but I'm not sure. I just know I've heard it.
"The Whistler" at 5alarm - the version on Commercial Cuts 3. Longer version is on Chill Out - both from the Atlantic Seven Music Library.
tried to search for the bump about kingdom tower but i couldnt find it.
really want to know the song used
Bump will be up soon, but the song's "Karaoke" by T-Pain ft. DJ Khaled. More info here:
Saw a promo for "The Heart She Holler" at the end of "Bleach" last Saturday night. Towards the tail end of the promo, they use a great/nice moving track, "Look to the Light", from the spooky album at Extreme entitled "Witch House". You can't hear it very well in the promo but it's there.
I was poking around a new-to-me library last night and found a couple oldies:
Robot Chicken 'First Promo' and 'Star Wars 3 Promo III' ~ "Worker Ant Mosh Pit"
American Dad 'Keep the Beat' promo ~ "Pulstar"
Both from the album 'SuperHappyFunFun' (VH027) at
Those are great finds. Some people have been looking for that Robot Chicken promo song for years.
I actually found a promo song myself, but I needed to confirm it, then I forgot where I found it. :oops:
Quote from: Beefy on January 24, 2012, 07:20:35 PM
I actually found a promo song myself, but I needed to confirm it, then I forgot where I found it. :oops:
*smacks joo* :roll:
Nah, man, I'll bet we've all made mistakes in that vein. Years ago I started a spread sheet of found music. Sometimes I couldn't place it, sometimes I just needed to add my own cryptic notes, and I still let stuff get away from me. Which is why I've made a few cryptic notes in this thread on occasion. I was thinking of starting a 'Found music, lost bump' thread :roll:
I found another promo track, I actually had a request for it once but I can't find that post to reply to it :| but then I may have been looking in the wrong place. Anyway...
Robot Chicken - Sunday Leadin Promo (robot w/woman's face)
title - "Timelapse Symphony"
album - The Beatdown VH028
composers - Joseph Saba, Stewart Winter
side note: we currently have just one bump from this library. Since it is also available at the MusicinSync site that's what 'available from' I used. HOWEVER,
browsing at VH seems to be much easier. I think I may have run across another one that I didn't look up right away (you know how that goes) but I wasn't absolutely positive like I usually am. I have about ten albums left and I keep hoping that irritatingly popular VB promo from I think 2008 will show up along with the DRRR!!! promo track.
Another VideoHelper track finally placed :roll: three months later...
I thought this was from one of the Venture Bros. Schedule promos from last spring (2011)... it still could be but I thought I had found them all and wasn't real motivated to pull them out. So I'm looking at my old bookmarks at the ASMB and noticed I still have the mysteriously non-existent 'Gary's Posse' show folder marked. (Fall 2009)
Yep, it's from that promo:
"Afterschool Crush"
'What Were You Thinking? (VH036)
Flavio Lemelle
There is a Loiter Squad promo running currently that uses a musical saw ~ I found it at KillerTracks
Artist: Paul Osborne
Title: Thru the Lookinglass
Album: Chilled Jazz (MAT193)
There's also one with an orchestral piece that opens with a figure skating scene ~ at ExtremeMusic
Artist: Macintosh / Shea
Title: Wand of Wonder
Album: Fantasy 3 (DCD044)
Another Loiter Squad promo located, one for which I've had multiple requests... the woman walking poolside with a train of seals:
"Casino Dream"
'Cheesy Listening' (AXS2031)
Ploquin / Soullier
Library track, so not available to the public for purchase or download.
Currently available for listening at AXS, APM and Sakura Notes (
Found the music for this bump (
Artists: Patrick Maarek & Philippe Guez
Title: Apocalypse Warrior
Version: Emotional Version featuring Female Voice
Album: The Final Combat (KOS172)
Can be found on APM.
Which reminds me, there was a promo from about two months ago for "Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell" that used a track from the Superpop collection available from Extreme, but apparently also available for purchase for the commoners :roll: Seven of the nine albums are for sale as MP3s at Amazon. The particular track in question was "Party Will Come Alive (feat. Ruben Martinez)" by Wizardz of Oz from the album 'Wylin Out' (XSP007)
Here's the bump you are talking about.
Nice find dude.
Partial post transfer:
Quote from: BrokenOne on August 05, 2013, 03:50:07 AM
I also found this bump's music...
Artist: Tom Erba
Title: Easy On Yourself
Album: Male Pop Rock (SIS037) or or
Can any body find the promo music to this? (
Its been driving me crazy not knowing.
Quote from: jm1996 on September 21, 2013, 12:29:49 AM
Can any body find the promo music to this? (
Its been driving me crazy not knowing.
Sorry... it's been a while since I've looked for that one but I didn't have any luck. I've always assumed it was library track.
Bump, but do did anybody have any luck finding it?
I haven't heard of this track. I need a track id please.
God The Devil and Bob promo song full.
Goin Federal - Xzibit
Quote from: jm1996 on October 24, 2014, 12:15:04 PM
God The Devil and Bob promo song full.
Goin Federal - Xzibit
Nice find! Thank you for letting us know 8-) I didn't realize Xzibit had been with Extreme that long.
FTR - the album is Urban Ammo (XCD156)
Does anyone know the song at the end of the Mortynight Run promo?
Starts at about 19 seconds in. does anyone know what song this is used on this old action 2002/2003 bump?
there's this one bump played right on the 1/23/17 after family guy went to commercial break it was a Simpsons cross over this beat has been bugging me for a while would love to know the artist
File under "It's About Damn Time!"
Not even a little bit surprised it's a library track. Thank you, YouTube legal hounds.
2008 Venture Bros. promo (
Song - Born To Win - Killer Tracks
Artist - Billy Lincoln
Album - ZTS004_Score Whore Trailer Trash
Does anyone know the name of the song used in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force is cancelled promo music from 2004? The bump where the gang all take turns driving and crash into a truck? as seen here:
I remember there was a longer version where all 3 drive and they don't crash so you got to hear the song playout longer. Haven't heard or seen the long version since 2004.
Quote from: Sparkwing Duck on July 28, 2020, 02:32:03 PM
Does anyone know the name of the song used in the Aqua Teen Hunger Force is cancelled promo music from 2004? The bump where the gang all take turns driving and crash into a truck? as seen here:
I remember there was a longer version where all 3 drive and they don't crash so you got to hear the song playout longer. Haven't heard or seen the long version since 2004.
This is a library track that may be available if you can find one of these:
The Samba Goes On -
The Percy Blane Band, Master Jo & Co – Happy Music / Comedy Music
Song: The Samba Goes On-14494
Artist: Heinz Kretshmar, PRS
Album: Archive - Jet Set Vacations
I know nobody has really talked here in three years but I genuinely need to know. Does anybody know the track used in this Brak Show bumper? It's been stuck in my head for a while and I need to know what it is.
Hi there.
Does anybody know these tracks? (0:58) (0:02) (27:03)
Please let me know if you find any.