I watch adult swim constantly. I am getting a tattoo soon and had no clue what to get, until I seen this. It is a picture of a face(some eyes) with a sunrise horizon in the middle with the text "The dawn is your enemy". This is what I want to get. If someone could post a link, pic, or send the image to asdfghe12@gmail.com I would forever be indebted to thee.
Erik V.
email: asdfghe12@gmail.com
AIM: o0oldskool0o
p.s. karma always helps out those who help out....
Heya, buddy!! First of all welcome to the forums!! That tattoo sounds like a really sweet idea! Post pics after you get it done if you can :-D We have that bump here on the site at http://www.bumpworthy.com/bump_display.php?bid=46 but I think you're much better off using the wallpaper made by [adult swim] which is up at http://i.adultswim.com/adultswim/downloads/tools/img/wallpaper/misc/ENEMY1200.jpg (highest resolution version) I'm sure that'll help :-D Best of luck with your tattoo!