[bump worthy]

BumpWorthy => Suggestions => Topic started by: aquateen on March 21, 2021, 02:50:19 AM

Title: ideas for the site
Post by: aquateen on March 21, 2021, 02:50:19 AM
I don't know if people will come across this, but regardless, I have some ideas for what the people running the site can do to boost traffic.
1. A place to upload fan made bumps, whether they make with still images of their hometown or whatever, just a place to upload fan made bumps. Or even amvs.
2. A forum category for music that can be bump worthy, have a song you've heard but haven't seen a bump? There should be a category to compile them. That way there could be a place for people to talk about music, and even find a song they life, and create a bump themselves.
3. An option to compile bumps you like. Whether it's like a save file, there should just be an option for that.
4 Last one, I don't know if the site can handle it, but maybe a live version of the bumps, like a livestream of a bunch of them compiled, something to have in the background and to listen to. Maybe even a comment section to the side for anyone online to connect to each other through the live stream.

Overall, I really enjoy the site, wanna continue to come back, love the concept, and especially love the layout, please don't change how the site looks, it's perfect as its.
Title: Re: ideas for the site
Post by: smooooth on March 26, 2021, 05:56:10 PM
These are all good ideas (even if some might be difficult for them to implement), and I agree about the layout.

In the meantime, if you want somewhere more active, a few of us have been working on two Discord (https://discord.com/) servers, one for archiving/discussing bumps (similar to BW), and one for sharing and exploring fan-made bumps and other art.
I encourage you or anyone looking to check them out. We've been growing steadily and would love to connect more with the community already established here.

Archive server: https://discord.gg/jwRkS5X
Fan-made bump server: https://discord.gg/jFJrd3x
Title: Re: ideas for the site
Post by: aquateen on April 16, 2021, 01:28:45 PM
thanks for the heads up, definitely will check it out