[bump worthy]

BumpWorthy => Missing Items & Requests => Topic started by: Cyrus_Shonuff on July 30, 2007, 12:54:08 AM

Title: Again I am stuck on a song
Post by: Cyrus_Shonuff on July 30, 2007, 12:54:08 AM
Alright this site is about the awesomest! (A lame word my ex made up....ruined my relationship) I need help again. Theres a song at the end of the newest Boondocks Clip Bump, they switch the song up suddenly, and go to this weird cat thing and play this song that sounds like it comes from a video, does anyone know what this song is??? I'd appriciate it.

                        :mrgreen: Cyrus Sho'Nuff

                  Can YOU DIGGG IT!!!! SHO'NUFF!!!
Title: Re: Again I am stuck on a song
Post by: NumyMufn on July 30, 2007, 09:10:10 PM
If you mean this one: http://www.bumpworthy.com/bump_display.php?bid=567 I'm never sure how to handle a half known and half unknown... :P  The half you are looking for is "Lord of the Dance" by Chris Clark from the album 'Clarence Park'  :mrgreen: