[bump worthy]

BumpWorthy => Missing Items & Requests => Topic started by: Cervazo on September 14, 2007, 01:19:36 AM

Title: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: Cervazo on September 14, 2007, 01:19:36 AM
Hi guys. This is my first post here, so it's nice to finally post and all that.

If this request has been posted once before, I'm terribly sorry for taking up more space. I've looked around and located some excellent music, but this song that I'm looking for seems to always elude me. I've tried that Extreme Music site and thought I was getting close, but listening to the same kind of stuff over and over again really... kinda gives me a headache.

Anyways, this is what I'm looking for. The song was in the old [as] bump for 'Into the Blue', a movie with Jessica Alba and Paul Walker. Academy Award winners, I know. The song was also featured in an [as] podcast featuring Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha. Here's a YouTube linkie.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tri1lnjBGbw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tri1lnjBGbw)

It's not the beat that plays while the Mooninite is on the screen. It's the fast metal-type song that plays, subdued in the background, while Brendon and Tommy talk about Dethklok. There's also a bit at the end where it sounds like someone is growling the word 'Hubris'.

Anyways, not sure. Thought I'd turn to you guys for help.

Thanks so much for reading.
Title: Re: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: NumyMufn on September 14, 2007, 02:01:01 PM
I vaguely remember the "Into the Blue" bit... there was a stir at the time. I'd have to dig one up - I don't have time at the moment, I'm out for the weekend. The music in the background of the Podcast is the Dethklok theme music. Possibly the original longer version or spliced with another piece of Brendon's music. I have that Podcast too, so when I get more time I can try and get a better listen. I guess what I'm really getting at is I don't think they're the same tracks  :| If you wanna hear the original cut of the Dethklok theme it's on this page: http://www.brendonsmall.com/media.html
Title: Re: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: Cervazo on September 14, 2007, 03:34:45 PM
I'm pretty sure it isn't the old Dethklok theme music because it's been used in other commercials before. About a year or so ago, TNA Wrestling had a commercial for a kind of growth formula whose name I utterly forget and that was the background music. The music I'm listening for is early on in the podcast, where the first black and white panel comes up.
Title: Re: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: NumyMufn on September 14, 2007, 10:51:25 PM
I'm sorry, I was really in a hurry this afternoon - we ended up leaving an hour late and got stuck in traffic :P - anyway, I didn't catch that bit from 0:20 - 0:52 . I'd be willing to bet it's from a library, though. I don't recall the "Into the Blue" track ever being found, combined with it being heard in multiple ads just screams "library track" :(
Title: Re: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: Cervazo on September 14, 2007, 10:54:45 PM
How hard are those to find?
Title: Re: Looking for old 'Into the Blue' promo song
Post by: NumyMufn on September 20, 2007, 06:30:13 PM
That's an extra large DEPENDS :P
How much time ya' got? I've spent hours (days, weeks, months) surfing through the couple that will let guests do that sort of thing - but not all libraries will let you do that. If it's in one of those you're pretty much SOL.