Does anyone remember the bump from way back when, when Adult Swim was broken into two parts? What was the anime bump that transitioned between them? I think it was first put out around 2001. If you know DO TELL, I've been looking for it for years!
Back in 2001, the only anime they had was Cowboy Bebop, which aired on Sunday nights.
If I remember correctly, the only bump they had was the pool with "Cowboy Bebop Next" and the original announcer doing the narration.
Quote from: Endlessdreamer382 on December 08, 2007, 07:36:38 PM
Does anyone remember the bump from way back when, when Adult Swim was broken into two parts? What was the anime bump that transitioned between them? I think it was first put out around 2001. If you know DO TELL, I've been looking for it for years!
Maybe what you're looking for isn't classified as a bump :? try going to ( and check out the Action Intro :-o