[bump worthy]

BumpWorthy => Missing Items & Requests => Topic started by: BadLuck on February 28, 2009, 03:11:55 AM

Title: help
Post by: BadLuck on February 28, 2009, 03:11:55 AM
sorry if i posted in the wrong section, but i cant seem to find the bump that adult swim used to use to close the program block with tha names of tha people who made those beats
Title: Re: help
Post by: Ryan D. on February 28, 2009, 10:14:27 AM

This is the only bump at B.W., that I know of, that sounds a little like what you're talking about.  If I'm wrong, someone will be along soon.

Title: Re: help
Post by: NumyMufn on February 28, 2009, 03:34:42 PM
Here's the 2003 Version, freshly uploaded  :wink:
