What do you think? Good? Bad? Or do you all want to keep this site Adult Swim exclusive?
Toonami bumps? Don't remember that well right now, but if you have anything, upload it to someplace like upload.sc and we'll check em out!
Quote from: ZenigundamWhat do you think? Good? Bad? Or do you all want to keep this site Adult Swim exclusive?
I think the site will be Adult Swim themed....for now I guess....
EDIT by Beefy: Fixed quote/reply formatting.
I probably won't make a separate section for Toonami, but they would be welcome in the User Submissions area.. which I hope to beef up soon.
Toonami: Digital Arsenal (http://www.toonamiarsenal.com) is already a place for Toonami bumps and promos.
Quote from: DaikunToonami: Digital Arsenal (http://www.toonamiarsenal.com) is already a place for Toonami bumps and promos.
Promos, yes. Bumps, not so much.
TDA has general Miguzi and Toonami bumps, but not any show specific bumpers (like for Naruto, DBZ, etc.)
Quote from: BeefyTDA has general Miguzi and Toonami bumps, but not any show specific bumpers (like for Naruto, DBZ, etc.)
What'd be the point? It'd be the same bumps for every show. The only real difference is the footage used.
Quote from: DaikunWhat'd be the point? It'd be the same bumps for every show. The only real difference is the footage used.
The music would be different.
Arise necro thread!
Who would have thought back in 2006 that Toonami would become part of Adult Swim?
Any opinions on adding a Toonami category under the "bumps" tab on the main page?
If it does happen would we have just Adult Swim Toonami bumps, or Cartoon Network Toonami bumps as well?
Wow man, that was quite a dig! :lol: Well, I am in favor of making a Toonami category for sure. Regarding the other thing... I'd say we have [as] Toonami in here, considering it's the only official period where [as] absorbed the Toonami block. That, and it'd be quite difficult to get high quality CN Toonami recordings too :lol:
Well considering they still refer to it as "Toonami on [adult swim]" I wouldn't see why not for the bumps. But that's just a fan's opinion.
We will definitely have the AS Toonami bumps in here, no doubt about it, just like we did for the stunt. I doubt we'll have the old CN Toonami stuff here, though.
I got a request for some 2007-era Toonami bumps where they announce the Adult Swim show that's on next.
I have some for Space Ghost, The Oblongs, Futurama, and maybe Venture Bros.
Any objections to me uploading them here?
I personally have no objection, the more the merrier :lol: I would like to see a Toonami category added, though. ...and it may be time to tweak our search feature a bit. :|
Quote from: Beefy on May 31, 2012, 03:22:24 PM
I got a request for some 2007-era Toonami bumps where they announce the Adult Swim show that's on next.
I have some for Space Ghost, The Oblongs, Futurama, and maybe Venture Bros.
Any objections to me uploading them here?
Go for it! Don't get me wrong, I've always loved Toonami :-D
Quote from: Beefy on May 31, 2012, 03:22:24 PMI got a request for some 2007-era Toonami bumps where they announce the Adult Swim show that's on next.
I have some for Space Ghost, The Oblongs, Futurama, and maybe Venture Bros.
Any objections to me uploading them here?
Well, I guess
The Oblongs is on Toonami. Better go tune in!
Is anyone else having issues playing the HD Toonami bumps from April and May 2012?
I wait for the video to finish buffering before I click the play button.
The video stays on the first frame, but I still hear the audio playing.
The video doesn't start playing until half way through the bump.
After the video finishes and I click play a second time the video plays fine.
Anyone else noticing this, or is it just my crappy six year-old computer?
EDIT: It also happens on this (http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/5006) bump.
I don't have that particular issue in my computer, however I can rarely watch any HD streaming video from here; the audio keeps playing and I see the bump in the background, but it's blocked by a gray screen and pixelation.
If anyone else is noticing issues, however, please comment.
Sheesh... I've been trying to reply for 20 minutes :-P it says the site is taking too long to respond. Maybe something's going on out there in cyberspace.
Anyway, my crappy mostly five year old computer chokes on a lot of bumps in Firefox, but then I also have 73 tabs open at the moment... and I need to clean up my plugins. They play fine in Chrome, but I try to have less than 15 tabs open in that one... separate processes blah blah blah...
Tried IE9 on the two year old beast, no problems there.
I tried a few including the one you linked, Beefy, and all are working fine here.
What browser are you using, Beefy? Adobe's latest Flash update has been a glitchy pain in the ass for me. It sucks on every video site except YouTube.
To combat this problem, I've been using Firefox's IE Tab (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab) extension to make BumpWorthy play smoother.
I'm using Mozilla SeaMonkey, the offspring of Netscape Communicator and Firefox. I mostly use it for the built-in HTML editor.
This has been happening for a while, not just with the latest Flash Player.
This (http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/4017) bump plays fine for me. It's one that I encoded.
If I had to guess I think it's an encoding setting for H.264 that's being used on the bumps before they're uploaded to the site that's causing the problem. Could be too many B-frames or maybe trellis.
Without seeing the encoder settings it's hard to tell.
I do know that YouTube dials back some of the more advanced features of H.264, which is why their videos tend to have greater playback compatibility across browsers and devices.
Same story for me... stalls in Firefox but plays fine in Chrome. :|
Quote from: NumyMufn on June 02, 2012, 09:56:28 PM
Same story for me... stalls in Firefox but plays fine in Chrome. :|
Well with 70 tabs open, you're playing with fire. :-P
Ha ha! Playing with fire... Firefox...
hah :-D
... I know... but I used to have 100+ on a regular basis without a problem. [rambling deleted] :oops:
If someone with my issues asked me what to do I'd tell them to get a new hard drive and start over. I do not relish that thought.
Anyway, I tried your NTSF bump and the Russian bump in FF on an older computer - I'm not sure exactly how old but it still has a 3.5 inch diskette drive. I had similar results to what you are experiencing. I also tried my phone and the bumps are not playing as well as they used to.
What's the difference between this (http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/4986) and this? (http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/5053) They look exactly the same to me.
I forgot to change something :-P There we go, thanks for pointing it out!
Supernova Megamix (http://www.sendspace.com/pro/7s5yqc) was released a while ago.
I think it's time for a bit of hunting. ;)
I recognized one of the tracks as the current Cowboy Bebop bumps. (http://www.bumpworthy.com/bumps/5497)
Thanks for the link, man 8-) I'm a holiday zombie (not quite out of the woods yet) and I don't get much time for this sort of thing from a week before Thanksgiving until the last relative leaves (that would be next Monday.) I will get on it, and lots of other Toonami stuff I've let pile up since May. Where does the time go :|
...oh, and Lol and track 12 :-D I recognize that from the video Steve Blum posted when he had the flu.