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High Scores Bump for this week

Started by Kaizerwolf, March 21, 2013, 12:05:02 AM

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Hey kids, hope everyone is well.

I'm looking for the song played in this week's "High Scores" bump. I believe it's during the hour of family guy, honestly my memory sucks as to when it's played. The song sounds almost like a FlyLo track, but I can't tell. I also feel like I've asked about this one before, but again, can't remember.

All help is awesome dudes. I'm glad AS has started doing a music list, but as far as I can stay awake for, there isn't one this week.



Assuming it's the same as Sunday, sounds like this:
it might very well be FlyLo, but it's not something we've been able to ID. I think it was early last summer when they got the latest batch of private stock from him and very little has been identified on the public side.  :cry: ... soooo, maybe it is - maybe it isn't  :| Sorry I can't help this time.

I guess I should add it's never been on the list.
You caught me at a bad time -

I'm awake.


That would be the one sir! It's a shame they haven't released a name for it yet. Thanks for the ID though, always helps. You're the man at this!
