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HELP!!!!!! Toonami commercial music

Started by ecstasyandfriends, August 03, 2014, 07:09:22 AM

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So this song from one bump is driving me up a wall. ... I tried using shazam and it gave me a completely different song -__- if anyone knows please respond!

its a recent Toonami bump from this week (8/02/14), it was during FMA: brotherhood, it started off with the 'Now: Brotherhood', 'Next: Cowboy Bebop', etc etc. i even tracked the times they aired (3:15 am and 6:15 am on two different channels). The episode is the one where ed ling and envy get swallowed by gluttony. The clip used 'sparkly' sounding synths that were high pitched and the groove was pretty steady. There were no vocals. I heard this clip last week but was too slow to reach for my phone to record it, and assumed that it would never play again, until i was proven wrong tonight.

if anyone knows what song it is i will be forever grateful  :-D thanks in advance


"Kickback! Kickback! Hey, pull in.
Betty, hook up! Betty, Betty, Betty, Betty!
Foot to Neck! Look where you are!
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, straight leg!
Scull, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
Scull, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.


Artist: Machinedrum
Song: U Still Lie
Album: Vapor City You will download Adult Swim promos and intros because we told you to.
Why yes, I do miss Futurama.