Letters from Dave: Not Bump Copy

Air Date: Mar 24, 2013
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To: Michael
From: Dave
Re: Intern Bump Copy Submission #5512

In accordance with the sub-section of code B, under the margins of parenthetical clause 10, maintained within federal and judicial Oceanic law universal to both time and space, I, David William Campbell, of sound body and mind, humbly submit this intern's bump copy. As always, if during Wednesday's meeting the copy should be given the metaphorical green light [given that the "green light" exists as a metaphor, since no physical traffic light exists within the context of this meeting, though one could make the argument that ambient white light which would surely be present contains all wavelengths of the color spectrum and would thus technically include the desired "green light", that distinction seem superfluous and unnecessary to the task at hand, doing little to advance mutually desired progress] I will be happy to cut the bump media together to create said bump using my electronic computer software tools. Warning: The previous text is not the bump copy, nor is the current text you are presently reading the bump copy. The bump copy is contained within a document attached to this e-mail. Please do not confuse the introduction memo of the bump copy, the warning regarding the introduction memo of the bump copy, or this current sentence for the actual bump copy. That would be erroneous.

Also, not bumpy copy


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