Donate to BumpWorthy

Since 2005 I have used my personal funds and time to create and maintain this web site. If you like what you find here, please consider a donation to help the site stay up and running!

Below you will find some ways to donate:


Use PayPal to donate directly to BumpWorthy through our web site host (DreamHost) by clicking here.
You'll be redirected to DreamHost's PayPal donation page.

- the webmaster a.k.a. crab


Cryptocurrency donations can be made to one of the following addresses:

Bitcoin (BTC): bc1q9nx40lljsl4m87yut2la0yya96fd6ar63zy02c

Ethereum (ETH): 0x5BEa7F84750b787B191Ced6F4B145A763ccd00c6

Litecoin (LTC): LNwC7RuLmtkHfTvmmy8ec6ZzgCqQri2bD1

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